
The Trials and Tribulations of Starting a Blog

I don't know how many of you blog yourself, but it is not a simple task trying to design your blog to make it look good. It can take anywhere from minutes (if you're lazy and not creative) to hours or even days (if you aren't lazy and love to make things looks SPECTACULAR).  Now, unfortunately, I am not into coding and such, so I usually go to the awesome website of The Cutest Blog on the Block.  They have the cutest backgrounds! And not just for blogger but for Twitter and even ancient ol' Myspace!  They also have custom Blogspot templates which I have yet to figure out how to work yet.

So anyway.  It really does take a lot of effort to make a blog look good.

Then you have to worry about figuring out what you're going to write about!  What do people want to hear about?  How do you appeal to a bigger audience?  How do you make the highest number of people happy?  I follow a few blogs myself, for instance Rachel Vincent's blog.  Why do I follow her?  Because she's a well-known author!  I'm not a well-known author!  Sure I like to write short stories and such now and then but nobody knows anything of my work.  I also follow Hyperbole and a Half.  Her drawings and stories are hilarious.  I guess I have some interesting stories.

 I mean, I'm adopting a deaf cat soon.  Maybe people will want to hear what it's like to live a life with a deaf cat.  I'll re-title the blog The Life of a Deaf Cat (not to be confused with the Life of a Dead Cat).  Snowball (that's what I plan on naming my deaf cat) can be the center of the blog.  It could be interesting.  But really, how long can you hold the attention of an audience blogging about a cat all the time.  I mean, the cat can't do that many interesting things in its life.  Maybe I'll adopt a dog as well.  Oh wait, I can't have a dog in my new apartment.  Sigh.  Maybe one day I'll figure out what to write about instead of just random rants like this one.

I'd like my blog to have a theme.  Maybe I'll make it a daily rant blog.  Something almost everyone can relate to.  I fully believe that everyone should have a place where they can have at least one daily rant about something.  It's good for the soul and mind to get things off your chest.  Whether it's to complain about how long you sat at that one red light, or how hot it is outside.  Anything really.  Having a blog or a diary, or even your cat to listen to your complaints is extremely helpful.

Well.  For now I guess that will be the subject of my blog.  Daily rants about nothing really.  Hopefully I'll find something better to blog about.


Until tomorrow.



  1. Hey, so, I thought about using this background for my blog, too. (I hope you read this after the comments on your other blog to understand the full extent of this fact.)

    1. Haha great minds think alike! I just went on the book blog and saw all the comments people left I never saw haha
